New Team Member – Ebony

By May 11, 2017Team

My name is Ebony and I will be working at Honeycombe alongside Alison and will be working as an apprentice. My journey with hairdressing started way back when I was younger every child had a dream of an occupation they wanted to be when they grew up and mine was to be a hairdresser and now I’m older I’m following that dream. Hairdressing caught my eye as it wasn’t just about cutting hair, colouring, hair I always thought it was a lot more I see it as art the hair is your canvas. I love the industry due to it’s always changing and improving from products to new information. There is always something new to learn and they always offer knowledge classes and training.
My passion is to become a qualified hairdresser and give all clients that desired look they have been wanting, but also very passionate about joining the team and working alongside Alison and all her clients. I do looking forward to meeting you all.

– Ebony

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